yoga walking
walking meditations. so we are going to practicea walking meditation. one of the important things that we could do when we walk our dogsis to make sure we are walking with good posture and that our mind is calm. this would havea affect on our dogs when we take our walk. so just coming into a standing and put yourweight into your heals, press your heals onto the floor and lift your heart and bring yourchin level with the floor. so feel that you are standing with confidence. you also wantto be calm so make sure that you don't have any tense in your shoulders or in your jawso the shoulder blades drop down towards the ground. good. we are going to start to walk.we are going to take a step with our right foot and every time your right foot hits theground i want you to count 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4.
now we are going to start to breath with oursteps so we could get a rhythmic breath with our inhale, and exhale are equal length. 1,2,3,4,and exhale 2,3,4, and inhale 2,3,4, and exhale 2,3,4, and continue inhale 2,3,4, and exhale2,3,4, and continue walking in a circle. i encourage you when ever you take your dogfor a walk to practice his breathing meditation and again your are just going to inhale fora count of 4 and you are going to exhale for the count of 4. you are going to keep yourposture, your signs nice and long so your are confidence and your are going to workon keeping the muscles of your face, your chest and your shoulders relaxed.
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