yoga warrior pose

hello, my name is samantha raphael on behalfof expert village. in this clip i'll be demonstrating warrior one pose. to begin, step your feetabout three feet apart on your mat. turn your right foot out, align your right heel withyour left heel. turn your left foot in just a little bit. take your right hand to yourright hip and give it a spin towards the front of your mat. slowly, with a breath out, beginto bend your right knee and you can wiggle

yoga warrior pose, that right foot forward a few inches so thatyour right knee ends up right over your right ankle. make sure that your left foot is groundedon the inner and outer edges as well as the ball and heel. when you're ready, with a breathin, reach both arms all the way up towards the ceiling, you can place your hands in prayerposition and gaze up at your fingertips. hold

here for five breaths, with each inhalationfeel your chest lifting and each exhale sink a little bit more, going a little bit deeper,grounding into the earth. after about five breaths, with your next inhale, straightenout your right knee, take your hands to your heart, turn your right foot in, and step backto center.


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