yoga wausau wi
the thing i like probably most about workinghere at dental visions is we're able to provide such a high level of dental care that i thinkis unique to the wausau area. what i like most about dentistry is, i likethe artist components to it. a little bit of science, a little bit of art. i think that's what gives me a charge more than anything. i have an older brother who is a dentist,so i probably have to attribute most of my dental interest because of him. we do pretty much all phases of dentistry. i'm proud of the work we do.
i'm proud of the staff i work with. i couldn't do what i do without them. they're great with patients. they both have unique qualities that i thinkare different than mine, that i think compliment me. i think it works really well. we're able to do more and treat pretty better,more efficiently. in my spare time, if it's in the winter ofcourse, i spend a lot time skiing. when the snow melts, we've been cycling, bikinga lot, kayaking, quite a little bit of tennis,
and we do some yoga here and there. we're outside a lot.
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