yoga with adriene bedtime
- what's up everyone, and welcome to the yoga with adriene vlog,i'm adriene and we are on the set of yoga camp. what is yoga camp? dude, i'm here to tell you.
yoga with adriene bedtime, so last year we did 30 days of yoga, you're probably familiar. 30 days of yoga withadriene, it was magical, it was awesome, it helpedour community grow,
it brought more people to the mat, it started a big, richconversation around finding what feels good. we started seeing alltypes of people doing yoga and at home, and it was just so awesome, so here we are looking ahead, the new year and we wanted to doanother project so yoga camp is that, it's asequel to 30 days of yoga with adriene, we're goinginto some new territory
this year, adding somedifferent elements that tend to mental health and spiritualwellness, just hang with me, just roll with me right,and yeah just pulling back another layer, i thinkit's going to be awesome, it's open to all levels, it'sall free, and it's all on youtube, it starts january1st, and every video so i know that sometimes we're likewell when does it upload, we're in different time zones,so just make it work people, make it work, the uploadsare every morning at 6 am
texas time. so go to sign up, you get your calendar soyour 30 days of yoga camp comes with a calendar. and the calendar's goingto be special this year, you'll find out why later,and you'll also get a daily email from me which i alwaysthought i don't know why anyone would want the dailyemail but it's turned out to be one of the morespecial, empowering things
that come with the 30days, not because of me or anything i have to say butjust because it helps us keep the conversation going sothat we're not just doing the yoga shapes, we're reallyfinding ways that we can integrate the philosophyand what we're learning on the mat, the experience,into the things that we meet and greet in our daily lifeand really i'm not going to spill all the beans nowso you gotta go sign up, it's free so not really tryingto sell you on anything,
but go sign up, the more the merrierso invite your friend, invite your family, inviteyour grumpy coworker to hop on the train, get signed up, that way we're all ready torock when the new year arrives so tweet your friends, facebookyour foes and tag them, make sure they know what's going on, and that everyone'sinvited to the party right, everyone's invited to camp.
so ultimately the goal ofyoga camp is to not just tend to the physical bodybut also to the mental and to the spiritual so more onthat later but get signed up and just know that you'reinvited to camp this year. take good care everyone, namaste. (peaceful music)
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