yoga yoga austin
our next pose is a twisting pose. we’regoing to start with the legs extended out in front of you, with the toes pulling backtoward the face so the feet are active. rolling the shoulders open, so that the heart is liftingand the spine is long. and then bending one knee, we’ll start with the right knee, pullthe right knee in, we want to keep the feet active throughout the pose, take the righthand behind you and you can either be on your finger tips or if your palm hits the flooryou can rest your palm on the floor. and then wrapping your left elbow around your rightknee, each inhale lift up through the heart getting as much length through the spine asyou can, and each exhale you use that arm to pull the knee in towards your chest asyou get a little bit deeper into the twist.
it’s not so important how far your headmoves around to the right here, it’s important that your neck feels like it’s moving withoutany effort. and again, each inhale lifting each exhale pulling the knee in toward youand releasing. and the other side, left leg comes in, wrapping the right arm, inhalingand twisting. any twisting pose is incredibly healthy for the spine, it tones the entirespine as well as giving a gentle massage to the internal organs so it’s very helpfulfor digestion.
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