yoga yoga north
in the previous two clips, i broke down thesun citation in great detail and if you haven't watched that yet, please go back and thatwill help connect in piece together the things that we're about to go through in this what you'll do is you'll start out in sun citation. the first one i'm going to do isfor, it's a less advance version, it's for someone just starting out. and if you're notfeeling strong today, even as an advance practitioner,
yoga yoga north, it's okay to go back to more beginning's always important to yoga to honor where you are at the moment. so start out in mountainpose, feet about hip width apart, hands down or at your heart center, on an inhale, you'regoing to scoop it up, on an exhale, you're going to fold forward. then on an inhale,just slightly arch up, if you're not touching
the ground, go here or here wherever you are.exhale, fold down, you can bend your knees and push back to plank and then exhale yourknees, hug those elbows in, weight even in the hands, chest, chin and push up to cobra.on an exhale, you're going to tuck those feet under and push back into downward dog. andyou may have to walk your hands in just slightly, raise the sits bones towards the ceiling,and lengthen out through the back. on your next inhale, slowly step forward. again, archup. you can touch your hands to your shins or your thighs, fold in, and then reverseswan dive up on an inhale and exhale bring your hands to your heart center. alright,we just went through the basic, now we're going to go through the advance. so you startin that mountain pose, hands at your heart
center or down at your side, whichever youprefer, on an inhale you're going to scoop up and on exhale you're going to fold forward.inhale, arch up. exhale fold forward. you can either step back to plank or if you wantyou can jump back. so you bend your knees and on exhale shoot your legs back and pressdown through chaturanga to upward dog. on an exhale, push your feet, your hips back,push through your feet, come walk those hands back slightly, go into downward dog and thenon an inhale, you can either step forward toward your hands or you can bend the knees,jump forward. inhale, arch, exhale fold forward. on an inhale, reverse swan dive up and exhalebring your hands to your heart center. and that's the advance version of the sun salutation.
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