yoga youtube videos

the next part of any yoga practice usuallyfor asana is warrior i or virabhadrasana i. what you'll do as start out, you can eitherstep either foot in front of you or then step the other foot back behind you. so you getinto a nice lunge position. men's hips are a little more narrow than women's hips soyou may need to adjust according to what your hip width is, cause the main goal and thefullest expression of this posture is actually turning the hip points forward. if you findthat once you start to turn them forward that you need to walk your foot out, that's okay.the most important part of this posture is to make sure you have the right alignment.there is no right or wrong, as to how deep you can get, it's all about honoring whereyou are. but you need to make sure that the

alignment is good so you don't injure anyof your joints, and your knees and hips will thank you later. so what you want to do whenyou're in this position of face forward is make sure that this knee is not pulling inwardor outward. you want to have a nice grounded weight through your foot; therefore, you havea nice line with your knee. the other important part about this posture, after you figureout the alignment of where your knee is tracking, then you want to make sure you have a niceangle here, taking care not to go over the shin, but keeping it in line with the ankle.the other part about warrior i is turning the foot out slightly. so you don't want itpointing back too far but have it turn in just slightly. having the weight not pulledthrough the foot back this way, but having

it press the outside of the foot towards theground, keeping the toes spread nice and wide. the other important part is if you lift thetoes up, you can check where the weight is on your foot, and then you can let the toesrelease. a nice way to think of the energy in your upper body, after you turn your hipsforward, so you'll have to turn that foot in slightly, think of the energy your bodybeing centered, vertebrae stacking one on top of the other. hip points forward and armscome up. again, letting the shoulders shrug up and then back, will give them a nice lockedin position. you may see people do this with their hands, they fold their fingers and keepit up, but if that's too much on your shoulders, you can keep your arms open nice and wide.and then think of the thigh bone pushing back

and length coming down through that leg. andthat is the fullest expression of warrior i.


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