- what?! like seriously, like thepeople that are good at yoga, god bless you. (mystical music) - my name is paula gelbart,i'm a physical therapist,
yogas, and a yoga teacher. - i normally teachadults, and yoga teachers. - i think it's gonna go well today. (children groaning in pain)
and then smile. - i cannot smile. - no, never in my life. - not like hardcore, like yoga-yoga. - [paula] like...- [boy] like mom yoga. - mom yoga. - but i've done like handstandsand stuff, and conditioning. - i think it'll like make me feel free. (girl hums)
- oh yeah! booyah, bing bing bing! - so we start with our feet together at the front of the mat. now lift your arms up overhead. raise your arms up high, and then fold forward all the way down. try to touch your toes. and step into plank.
can you do this? push yourself up and back, good. - [boy in red] ow!- [boy in blue] good? this is like not relaxing at all. - [paula] now we're in down dog. - [boy] i'm okay. - [paula] shake your tails. shake your tail.- [boy] woo yeah! - yeah.
and step your feet forward. and reach up, take your hands up. take your hands down into your heart. that was a sun salutation. sun salutation a. - [boy] that's a new one! - really like, warming up my body and ah! - like you're going up to heaven. - and like it's a new one for me
and my mom after the treadmill so... - if you hold your nosewhile standing on one foot it makes you balance better. - alright now, standwith your feet together, and bend your right knee out to the side. other leg. grab your right foot. put your right foot on your left thigh. - um...
- reach your arms up and grow your tree. you're gonna fall, uh oh! - my tree sways a lot. - [paula] yeah there's a lotof wind over there, right? - yeah well, as long as we don't get cut. - trees have a hard life i guess. - one thing, those peoplethat are good at yoga, don't wear jeans. and i'm learning that thehard way, let me tell ya.
- yoga was really fun and hard. i'm upside down and i'm like, "whoa, feels like i'min another dimension." - i think it was challenging, too. definitely the pretzel. i would give you a warning not to do this unless you really wanna feel like your foot's coming off your body. - i wish i had some words,but i have an expression.
- yoga is pretty much conditioning, and it like get's youencouraged to be more flexible. - every second is like mayhem. so like seriously, like god bless those people, like you and like kayleewho are good at this so called "sport." - toby, would you work with me again? - yeah, i thought you were really good!
you're like, like really good. she said, "never give up." and i like that when igot it, she said, "great." when i didn't, she said, "try again." and you know what, that's whata great teacher does so... - i learned that kids are unstoppable. do you want me to spot you? - no, i can do it? - [paula] you can do it?- [voiceover] she's got it.
oh, jesus. - can you bend your knees and touch your head with your feet? - [voiceover] yeah! - [paula] good job! - [voiceover] can you do that? - no, i can't do that.
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