zen and yoga forest hills

despite what you may have heard, meditationdoes not involve joining a group, paying any fees, wearing any special outfits, sittingin a funny position or believing in anything in particular. it is simple, secular, scientificallyvalidated exercise for your brain. you don’t have to do it yet, but just so you know hereare the three steps. one: sit with your back straight and your eyes closed. two: noticethe feeling of your breath coming in and going

zen and yoga forest hills, out. pick a spot where it's most prominent.usually that's your nose or your chest or your belly, and just focus your full attentionon the feeling of your breath going in and coming out. now as soon as you try to do this,your mind's going to go nuts. you're going to start thinking about, what am i going tohave for lunch, why'd i say that dumb thing

to my boss, your brain's gonna go nuts andthat's fine. the whole game is to notice when you've gotten lost, and to start over. andto start over again. and again. and again. and every time you do that, it's like a bicepcurl for your brain, and it shows up on the brain scans. scientists have found this inthe lab. it's also by the way, a radical act. you're breaking a lifetime's habit of walkingaround in a fog of projection and rumination and you're actually focusing on what's happeningright now. meditation is unlike anything you do in the rest of your life. "failure" isactually success! as i said the whole game is just trying, failing, starting again, failing,starting again. here's my advice: you should be meditating every day, 5-10 minutes a day.that's it. this doesn't require some giant

investment. i don't care how busy you are,you have 5-10 minutes to give this a shot. i guarantee you it will make a big difference.


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