yoga t shirts
- i think today will be full of surprises, which is great because i hate surprises. (upbeat music) - finding something thati wanna wear in a store on a daily basis is nearly impossible. - there is a huge advantage to being able to try on clothes beforeyou purchase them. - a bunch of times i've gone online, ordered in my size, and when i get it, i don't even know what it is. - typically, i'm a size 22, 24 according to the sizing chart, i'm supposed to be a 28. - i hate these shorts. why are they baggy andat this awkward length? - they fit, technically, but there's like so much room down here. - i can like, pull them off of me. - are they supposed to be high waisted? who knows? - send these shorts back to hell. - this is a fashion tofigure size 3x skirt. - it fits great, clearly, if you're supposed to wearskirts below your foofa. - i can actually seethe seams coming apart. - in the ideal world, this fat would be distributed very evenly around my whole body, but th...