
Showing posts from August, 2017

bernal yoga

 hey boys, i'm going to go take a leak, you guys good? i got you buddy. alright. the hell is he doing? - that ain't good! - hey, jason, are you seeing this?

benefits yoga

 hi my name is maryann with clever yogaand i'm here to show you how you can use the clever yoga yoga blocks to helpincrease your flexibility so i love using yoga blocks in my yoga practicethis probably my favorite yoga prop to use and maybe it's just becauseof what i use them for but when it comes to doing anything with flexibility that youfeel like you have a hard time holding benefits yoga, on possing are you just need a littleextra support yoga blocks are one of the best thing that you can use to help deepin that post and help you stay in that post for just a little bit longer sousing this for the splits you can either place to props to the side of you up highlike this so if you need a little more help and you want to go higher you can use them on both sides as postto hold on and you can stay upright so you can see how this is extremelyhelpful in this manner and as you move forward in advance into the pose you canturn them to the side and get even lower into the split posit...

bend yoga

 next, going to show you how to do seated forwardbend or paschimottanasana. for those with acute back pain or sciatica with any inflammation,i highly recommend you don't try this unless you consult your doctor. if you need a strap,you may with tight hamstrings go ahead and grab that. you can use a belt, a tie, a sash,a tie from a rope, anything that gives you some resistance. go ahead and you can pullthe extra fleshy part out from underneath your sits bones and flex your feet. slowly,reach your hands up towards the ceiling and bend forward. reaching out, trying to keepthe back flat instead of rounding over. really trying to keep it flat and flex the feet.shooting energy out through those heels and those feet, help take some of the tensionoff of the back. if you find that this is too much, you can keep the knees slightlybent. and, then slowly bend forward keeping the feet flexed. if you can't reach your toes,that's where the strap comes into play. you can scoop that around ...

bend and bloom yoga

 the angel flip. this is just a quick preparation on the ground. what you'll want to do is be sure that your fabric is separated, all the way to the bottom, and then when we are in this position in the air bend and bloom yoga, when you are doing the flip you'll want to start with your arms straight above your head and bring them down to here. now, the fabrics are going to be coming along here so you don't want your arms to go to close together because you need them to go to the outside but you don't want them to be out in this position. so, here, to here. climb twice separate fabric up in your saddle thread your feet inside to the outside holding on tightly with your hands right around crossing at your waist. up over your shoulders to the front, bend your knees pike straddle flip over come out put the fabric in front, hold hold up close to your body and your other arm goes by your head wrap your feet in climbing position. holding on with both hands you're going to ...

bella yoga

 paris hilton, she had a deejay set at an equinox in west l.a. [laughter] yeah. she was there raising money for the felix foundation. harvey: what's the felix foundation? a foundation that raises money for kids in need. so basically she's in the center of this yoga class. harvey: she's deejaying a yoga class? she's deejaying a yoga class for kids in need. harvey: that's great. but do it for a pilates class. why for yoga? harvey: i don't understand. i thought yoga was a zen kind of thing. yoga's getting really hip in dance music. they are. namaste, stay, stay, stay. harvey: good for paris hilton. you're about to go in on her. harvey: no. you're about to say she went from ibiza to equinox. harvey: but he said it was a charity. now that i know it is, it's great. now, she's deejaying la fitness next week, then it's a problem.

bella vida yoga

 hip dips are ugly. or are they? this is, i suppose, the difference. between someone with and without a hip dip. as you can see here... this person's booty is big enough to cover up the dip. and this person being a bit skinnier, seems to be suffering the hip dip. the hip dip can also be seen here. (aka violin hip) as well as seen here. in fact this is making me wonder if i have hip dips. i don't know guys, this kinda feels like a dip. so uh oh, looks like hip dips might affect the both of us. even this chick has 'em and her body is fucking hot. this person thinks hip dips are ugly. i disagree. another person who appears they're ugly. i'm so confused, why is this a thing? person has great tits, an inhumanly tight belly but that's not good enough 'cause you have hip dips! "i'll never be perfect!" fucking deal with it! this person is complaining that they have hip dips and other people don't. you know because they're not fat, so can't...

being yoga schedule

 hi, my name is keegan white, and i an instructorat the wilmington yoga center. â today, i am going to tell you about our hot power flowflow yoga class! â  hot power flow yoga classes are for intermediateto advanced yoga students that enjoy the heat! hot power flow yoga classes are inspired bya blend of yoga traditions, with an emphasis on vinyasa flow yoga practiced in a hot room.â hot power flow yoga classes are a creative being yoga schedule, fusion of teachings from different lineagesand movement modalities, practiced in a heated room of 95 to 105 degrees. the temperatureof each class is denoted on the schedule. hot power flow yoga classes allow for purifying,heat-building practices that stretch and strengthen the body while releasing impurities, and theseclasses are quite a workout! â€Å“mix” classes vary depending on each teacher’sstyle and creativity, and the class sequences always offer something new! â if you are lookingfor variety, new challenges, inspiring music, a great ...

beginners yoga poses

 hello, my name is samanta raphael on behalfof expert village. in this clip i'll be demonstrating plow pose. to begin come to the front of yourmat, and then lay all the way back, lift your legs straight up towards the ceiling, restyour head down. from here you'll grab onto your hips and then using momentum lift yourlegs up and use your hand to push your hips so that your feet end up over your head. now,when you start, you're legs may be here and that is completely fine. let you lets justbe above the ground. if you can, you can drop your feet onto the ground so you're standingon your toes, in which case you'll engage all of the muscles along your legs, and youcan release your arms from your back. it's very important to be on your shoulders sojust kinda rock side to side lowering your shoulders underneath you. if you need to continueto support your back with your hands, that's fine, that's your lower back you're holdingon to. otherwise, you can releas...

beginner yoga video

 swan pose is going to be the opposite directionof pigeon pose, where you're prone. so, you're working on extension to the spine rather thanflexed and in an upright position. so, bring your front leg with a slight turnout so you've got your heel pointed towards the inside thigh of the back leg. weight isdistributed in the back leg above the knee joint. you're opening up the hip flexor musclesin the back leg. and, you're going to have an active quad in the front leg. and, we'regoing to leap with our chest. and, again try to relax and breath. soften the pose first.make sure you've got full active range of motion before you release into a prone, beginning your hands can just be right here in back of you. and, as you feel you'vegot more strength and control over the movement you can bring your hands in front. try notto rest fully on the thigh. you want to keep your belly lifted, navel into spine and keepbreathing. exhale, roll up. come to neutr...

beginner yoga stretches

 so this next one we're going to do two variations.for my friends who have tighter hips and you'll know very quickly, we're going to offer analternate pose, it'll be better. so first we start with fire log pose. the front shin,you want it to be parallel with the front edge of your mat. then you take your othershin and stack it directly on top, so that top leg the ankle is right on top of the knee.then you'll notice that the legs are like a little bit lifted up cause i'm activelypushing through the inner edge of my feet. you'll also notice that both sides of theankle are even with each other. you want to keep that fingertips to the earth and lengthenyour spine. now this can be a super big stretch for the outer hip muscles, so it it's toointense or you find that your knee is like way up here, there's no way to get in to it,then i want you to cross more of the center of your calf muscles, so the feet are in linewith the knees. and just work there again...

beginner yoga sequence

 this next pose can be a very powerful hipopener and a twist. it's the final pose in our series so we'll really go for it. so,start by bringing your right knee to the floor in front of you and then take your left footoutside the right leg. now, if when you do this, there is like no way or you find thatyou're way lifted up on the hip and you just can't get your left hip down to the earth,then it's fine to straighten the right leg. beginner yoga sequence, you should find that then you can get thepelvis more level and square. so, either right leg straight or right knee bent. pelvis rootsdown and in order to even get that first you have to hug the mid-line. so, you hug in withyour legs and then scoop the tail bone and root the pelvis down evenly. good. now weare going to twist toward the left. so, you hold the left knee with your right hand, takeyour right finger tips behind you on the floor, and with your inhalation lengthen your spine,with your exhalation twist. agai...

beginner yoga moves

 swan pose is going to be the opposite directionof pigeon pose, where you're prone. so, you're working on extension to the spine rather thanflexed and in an upright position. so, bring your front leg with a slight turnout so you've got your heel pointed towards the inside thigh of the back leg. weight isdistributed in the back leg above the knee joint. you're opening up the hip flexor musclesin the back leg. and, you're going to have an active quad in the front leg. and, we'regoing to leap with our chest. and, again try to relax and breath. soften the pose first.make sure you've got full active range of motion before you release into a prone, beginning your hands can just be right here in back of you. and, as you feel you'vegot more strength and control over the movement you can bring your hands in front. try notto rest fully on the thigh. you want to keep your belly lifted, navel into spine and keepbreathing. exhale, roll up. come to neutr...

beginner yoga challenge

 hello,welcome to hatha yoga. thanks for your interest to watch our videos.beach yoga with kerri - classes lake worth home â· classes â· workshops â· contact â· onlineclasses â· learn to handstand â· meditation â· about â· retreats â·Ã¢ yoga challengeâ Ã¢·omstars apparel. yoga challenge: beginner yogayoga challenge. kino macgregor and kerri verna'sâ yoga challengeâ ... yoga has the power to unlockthe hidden potential in your body and mind. join theâ Ã¢€¦yoga challenge | yoga challenge girls | yoga challenge fail#calmtip: take the 5-day yoga challenge | black girl's guide to calmnew to yoga? join blackâ girl'sâ guide to calm five dayâ yoga challenge! it's from february1st-5th and free to participate. sexy model yoga - yoga challenge - yoga challengegirl  sexy model yoga - yoga challenge -â yoga challengegirlâ - youtube | see more about yoga challenge, challenges and yoga. beach yoga girlbeach yogaâ girlâ - kerri verna, lake worth, florida. ... 'announcing #yogemoji...

beginner acro yoga poses

 - [whispering] if you're someonewho likes to get weird with your workout,that's totally cool. but when you're donedoing whatever this is, make sure you recover smartwith organic fuel-- 26 grams of organic protein, zero weird ingredients. oh, yeah! get your fuel onat

befit yoga

 chanting: jai ganesha, jai ganesha, jai ganesha pahimam... sri ganesha, sri ganesha, sri ganesha rakshamam. okay, we need practice, huh, for this? chanting: hari om, hari om, hari hari hari om... hari hari hari hari om...

beer yoga

 (chris willcock) so the project started with our goal to expand the capacity of our brewing operations. we were able to make certain amount of beer, and to our joy, the customers kept coming back and wanted more than we could actually make. (jaron mitchell) 4 pines is a small brewing company based on the northern beaches of sydney, originally starting in manly as a small brew pub. the business actually started from me and my old man having a surf, and post surf he just looked over and posed the question, â€Å“ok, where do we go to get a decent beer?” (chris fox) from an energy perspective, the biggest impact would have been the optimisation of wort cooling. it delivered gas savings of approximately half of the total 28 percent gas savings the rest being a mixture of improved efficiency from higher production output with the fixed losses staying the same and also the heat recovery from the cogen unit, the yanmar chiller. (chris willcock) the oeh in the end offered $38,000 to help comp...

beautiful yoga

 hey guys welcome to another one of my yoga tutorials so today i wanna teach you how to do a bird of paradise the bird of paradise is an advanced posture so don't get discouraged if you cant do it you can take it step by step ill show you the first step to help you your heal is going to come off the ground so lets come down watch your left arm comes in between your legs and then through the left leg you trying to touch your back then the right arm is going to come back just simply find your fingers and clamp the fingers together and then from here all we're doing is shifting the weight to that right foot lifting the left foot off the ground just start with your knee bent don't think about extending it yet i want you to find your balance first keep those hands clampled toether the next step is to extend then to come out just release and there you have it thats your bird of paradise have fun trying it just remember be patient with your body you will get there thanks so much ...

beacon yoga

 hi k i'm going to talk about againconnecting snake its network contributing to qmi matt mcbride's company that can like a president oknice to walk all wall our teacher response to the canadiancancer society beacon yoga, masters in spite of mister walk in you which expanding k box while however she's in you committing crimesorganizations in our community chester minutes walk fund-raisesincluding an extent but always pca and a garage after the canadian banksish she's hoping that radio beaconsuccessful and catches on many schools have decidedto support her and and many students had said take writing asked me 7 i'm racing you a white in nineteen asian which allowsfor better that heated she's calling i think you need totake up initiative as a child shorts aiming toget pasta the trinity s and seen storytime you can make a difference well and yourcommunity no matter what your age i and everybody has to try intonationdeep inside also it back to my heart and mind to it...

beach yoga girl

 - a boner feels like there's alittle monster in your pants. - or a big monster. - [woman] what doeshaving a boner feel like? - [short guy] it feelslike you can't focus on anything else except what you need to do to get rid of that boner. - i guess it's like apermanently flexed muscle, just like tight (pausing) it's just tight. - it feels like you couldjust blast through a wall. - it's like when the beatdrops on a dubstep song, you know it's like, "dong, dong...boom!" hands go up!- yeah, i'm hard! - [woman] how often doyou actually get boners? - [tall guy] you get that,you're asleep, so you have no idea how many boners you'rehaving, probably a hundred. - an after lunch "chubby",do you get those? - just thinking aboutlunch gives me a boner. - six to eight total? - that feels high. - ten times a day? - you get ten boners a day? i get like, four, if i'm lucky. - you get home after work, you could have five, i could have twenty. ...

be one yoga

 - what?! like seriously, like thepeople that are good at yoga, god bless you. (mystical music) - my name is paula gelbart,i'm a physical therapist, be one yoga, and a yoga teacher. - i normally teachadults, and yoga teachers. - i think it's gonna go well today. (children groaning in pain) and then smile. - i cannot smile. - no, never in my life. - not like hardcore, like yoga-yoga. - [paula] like...- [boy] like mom yoga. - mom yoga. - but i've done like handstandsand stuff, and conditioning. - i think it'll like make me feel free. (girl hums) - oh yeah! booyah, bing bing bing! - so we start with our feet together at the front of the mat. now lift your arms up overhead. raise your arms up high, and then fold forward all the way down. try to touch your toes. and step into plank. can you do this? push yourself up and back, good. - [boy in red] ow!- [boy in blue] good? this is like not relaxing at all. - [paula] now we're in down dog. - [boy] i'm okay. - [paula] s...

be luminous yoga

 we'll begin with our ujayi breath or victoria'sbreath. this is a very nice breath to help focus the mind when we're holding posturessuch as the standing postures which we, our minds can start to travel to other placeswhen we're focusing on holding on these more difficult postures. so, let's begin. we'regoing to be breathing again as we do throughout our yoga practice in and out through the let's just practice breathing in and out. now in the ujayi breath, let's place a handnear our face and as we breathe out, let's breathe on to our hand as if we're fogginga mirror or a piece of glass. so let's breath in and then out. feeling the breath on ourhands, hearing that "haah" sound in the back of our throat. so let's continue breathingin that way for a couple of breaths, breathing in. after we breathe in that manner for acouple of breaths, we're going to close the lips and do the same thing. so it'll soundsomething li...

be fit yoga

 hey, we all know there's a lotof cholo workout videos out there, but this one, eh,is gonna have you, like, "damn, homie,that's what's up," you know? this is "cholofit with creeper." the first one we're gonnaget started with is cholo squats, eh?whether you're locked up, or you're at your homie'sbarbecue, and it's time to represent with your clicafor a photo, then you go like this, eh? you go left foot,point it forward like this. right foot, point it tothe right in that direction. feel how down you arefor your homies. and then we're literallygonna take it down. okay, squat down,bend the knees. keep your back straight,hands on the knees, chin up. feel the power, eh?now we bring it back up. all right? whoa, mami.feel that burn. represent. we're gonna move tocholometrics, all right? and this oneis a resistance workout. i'll need a volunteer. hey, o.g.!come up here, homie. right here, we're gonna doa resistance workout whe...

bbw yoga pants

 - i think these might give me mom butt. hey cuties! welcome to ladylike. - there's no reason why youcan't be comfy and cute. - today, we're going to try to style the same pair of joggers... - four different ways. - to show that anyone can rock anything. - let's play, can i wear that? - [voiceover] joggers edition. - i think joggers are anexcuse to wear pajamas in a social setting. - joggers are formal sweatpants. - i'm pretty sure mostjoggers have drawstring lace. - i don't know what joggers are. - my personal interpretation of joggers is they're a happy marriagebetween skinny jeans and sweatpants. they're casual, you can wearthem pretty much anywhere and you can dress them up or down. big things that denote a jogger is they're a little loose around the waist, they can have a slight drop crotch and the main thing isthey're tapered at the ankle. i think as long as the girls are creative and sort of embracewhat makes them unique, then i think the...

barre yoga

 hi, i'm caitlin hunt. today we're going to talk about one of the biggest problems we get our clients coming to see us with which is this rounded shoulder and improving your desk posture. now i don't care how good your setup is, eventually, as the day goes on and you sit at those desks for that extended period of time, we're going to start round forward and come into this round the shoulder position. this is going to cause tension through the neck. we are probably going to start to push the chin forward a little bit to compensate for that rounded shoulder position. we are going to get tightness through that upper back and that shoulder girdle. so if you imagine your shoulder joint, it's basically a ball-and-socket so here's your socket and here's the arm bone and that ball at the end of the arm bone. now as you fatigue, what happens is this shoulder starts to clamp forward over that arm and it starts that creates an impingement so that arm bone hasn...

baron baptiste yoga

 come on hurry up! its good?are you well installed? yeah! so if you're here it's because you have the chance to see my new clip in preview! you made me leave my course of bachata berger tcha tcha for that! yes!!!! and here i move my booty i move my booty booty, booty booty, booty, booty, booty, booty get out of the track the bomb has just arrived i start by warming myself up but i think you're not ready i worked all my chores on beyoncã©'s clips spotlight on me, move from there baby, shake, shake, ouch! i just got on the ground i look like a calf actually i can't dance i have two feet left, it's hot as rigid as a broom when i dance, it's too ugly look at this move, it's the loose baby, twerk, twerk, berk! i do not care about haters only chris marques can judge me i do not know how to dance i move like a ball and you hurt your eyes even if i do my best it's not my fault it's not my fault if i have the style of a retiree twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk...

barkan yoga

 the last pose that i would love to demonstratewith annika that we could find in position thirteen, which is an inhale in a super funsunsalute vinyasa, would be the bow pose. this would be kind of the pinnacle pose towardsthe end when you're really, really warm and you're really wanting to create some deeperback bends after you've been practicing for a while. so we're going to start on our bellyin a small cobra, bending both knees, holding the tops of the feet, or if you're very open,you can even hold the ankles, pressing the inner thigh toward the ceiling, scooping thetail bone done. i'm going to begin to press my feet back, lifting the chest. and we havea bow pose here. depending on how warm you are, how high you'll be able to lift the thighstowards the ceiling, keeping the neck in line with the spine. and we're going to very, veryslowly release. and then we can take ourselves back to a down dog, which is the next positionthat would counter that pose....

bar yoga

 hey this is tripp from and today let's talk about where to meet women that are attractive. do you ever think where are the best places in my town to findattractive women? well today i'm going to tell you the four best places where you can meet your next girl alright so let's talk about the four bestplaces where you can meet attractive women andstick around because number four is something you've never thought of.number one lounges if you want to go out for a night on the town then you'll find the most beautiful andmodel-eqsue girls at swanky lounges. lounges are where the beautiful women go to dress up and be seen check out which places in your area fitthe description of a lounge think velvet ropes, dress code and upscale foodand drink. there you'll find exactly which arelooking for. number two wholeffoods or natural food stores. the most attractive women take care ofthemselves and they'll be shopping at these healthystores. don't belie...

baptiste yoga definition

 i'd like to define yoga for our purposes invinyasa yoga today. the word yoga can be translated in english to union. yoga is over five thousandyears old. and the union that yoga is referring to is first there is the awe, the super consciousness.and then there is our manifestation in reality as singular consciousness. we as human beingshave a mind. and with our mind we are consciousness of ourselves. and we can be consciousnessof the super consciousness. we can be melded with the super consciousness. but we don'tlive like that everyday. our everyday life we use our mind. it's a useful tool to getus where we need to go back and forth. but then the mind can also create neurosis andbegin to suffer. yoga is bringing us back towards knowing ourselves as the universalas everything as all. and then we can be more noble, happy people.

bangbros yoga

 well ain't sixteen, not a beauty queen. andmy eyes are bagging, my skin is sagging. if that's the reason that you don't love me thenmaybe that's not love. well i ain't twenty either and i don't careneither. and my hair is grey and i like it that way. and if that's the reason that youdon't love me then maybe that's not love. if you don't think i rock well we ain't goingto roll. if you don't think i hung the moon, my hot just turned to cold. if you want ayounger model, i wish you well sweet pea. cause if you can't see what it is you have,then you ain't having me. i got cellulite and achin' feet. and my thighskind jiggle when i giggle or wiggle. and if that's the reason that you don't love me thenmaybe that's not love. my tummy ain't tucked or lipo-sucked. it'sa little pouchy but i still hoochy koochy. and if that's the reason that you don't loveme then maybe that's not love. see i'm no longe...

bali yoga

 ubud is a town on the indonesian island ofbali, located amongst rice paddies and steep ravines in the central foothills. one of bali'smajor arts and culture centres, it has developed a large tourism industry. ubud is famous as an arts and crafts hub,and much of the town and nearby villages seems to consist of artists' workshops and galleries.there are some remarkable architectural and other sights to be found, and a general feelingof well being to be enjoyed, all thanks to the spirit, surroundings, and climate of theplace. ubud tourism focuses on culture, yoga andnature. in contrast to the main tourist area in southern bali, the ubud area has forests,rivers, cooler temperatures and less congestion although traffic has increased dramaticallyin the 21st century. a number of smaller "boutique"-style hotels are located in and around ubud, whichcommonly offer spa treatments or treks up ubud's mountains. while ubud seems to outsiders like one smalltown, it is in fact ...

balancing yoga poses

 so, standing with your feet together, you'regoing to balance on your left leg and bend your right knee. first, just hold the kneeor even hold the shin, and notice how, in order to balance here, you have to engageyour leg muscles. spread your toes on both feet, even, and actively push through thefour corners of both feet. from that stability in the legs, see if you can lift the kneeup, a little bit higher and reach your hand, your right hand, to the hold the outer edgeof the right foot. also, one more thing to pay attention to. the standing leg, here it'syour left leg, it will want to push forward, see if you can instead, take this standingleg back. you'll actually find that it's a little bit harder, but it's much more stable.keeping the standing leg back, lift your heart up, you can even stretch one arm out to theside. it's a glorious balancing pose, take one more breath and then release.

balance yoga center

 hi my name is maryann with clever yogaand i'm here to show you how to increase core stability and some of your plankposes using the clever yoga stability ball so placing your ball on the centerof your mat like using the small size for this one go ahead and gently lower yourself downso that your's belly is in the center of balance yoga center, the ball this creates a really nice pivot pointfor you as you can see i can kind of roll around here and you can also dothat just placing yourself in a plank position just kind of roll up to the side to theside but i like getting here because then i also like lifting my arm oppositearm opposite leg and this is gonna to really test my core stability becausei'm not placing my weight any longer on just my hands and my feet a lot of myweight is in the center of this ball and this ball is not stable so i had tostabilize it really using my core and focusing on flexing all those littlemuscles just to stabilize it so after taking a deep brea...

balance yoga atlanta

 this is the prone two-legged lift. this isa great core functional exercise using the stability ball. so we're really going to focuson strengthening the lower back, the glutes, as we stabilize our upper body. so think totalbody through this exercise. come on down on top of your ball. place your hands directlyunderneath your shoulders and find your balance point by lifting your legs up, and you mighthave a little bit of play area on the ball. point your toes and lengthen out through yourlegs. pull your shoulder blades back and down, like you're sliding your shoulder blades intoyour back pockets, and you want to keep in mind that you want to keep your head, neckand spine in alignment by lengthening out through the crown of your head. just simplylift your legs from your hip area, so you're really focusing on your lower back and yourglutes, and depending on your flexibility, that will determine how high your legs cancome. again, do not forget about your core, pull that belly i...

bad yoga

 you're a mean one.. mr. trump you really are a heel you're as racist as a klansman dipped in dumb, misguided zeal you're a rotten orange with... alarmingly fascist ideas! you're a monster, mr.trump you say muslims are uncontrolled! claimed they cheered on 9/11 now you want to ban them all donald truuump i wouldn't touch you despite your... thirty-nine and a half percent lead in the polls! you hate mexicans, mr. trump say latinos steal and rape you want to build a wall and make hispanics pay it all mr.truuump given the choice between you and ben carson i'd choose... ugh, do i... do i have to pick? they're both awful i don't want to support either, even as a joke. in fact, this song is just going to draw more attention to trump. big picture, people: are we doing more harm than good here, or... ugh... *interruption by catchy music from the grinch stole christmas* you're a nightmare, you're a callous, sexist, stooge mocking disabled reporters cal...

backbend yoga

 here’s your chance to really open up yourheart in a backbend. so what i’d like you to do is stay in that seated position, feelyou chest lifting up, start drawing your head back. here, you’re going to judge whetheror not to drop your head back or just have a gaze straight ahead, but have your shouldersdrop back. lift up the chest and breathe into your heart. just a little backbend to openup the heart center, which resides right at your sternum. take several breaths in hereand then slowly coming back to neutral, perhaps feeling a little warm from that backbend,taking a few breaths in neutral and remaining seated.

backbend yoga poses

 - hey, everyone. so, when we're prepping hanumanasana, when we're prepping thefront to back splits, one of the poses that isa really great prep for it is the low lunge, of anjaneyasana, or the variations of anjaneyasana. and, when we're bending the back leg we start to really getit in the hip flexors, really prep us for thatback-legged high mark. so, later on in the flow, if we're getting ready to gointo that front to back splits, we might drop the back kneedown, double your mat up, right, so you could... newer students, you can come right back into the earlier posethat you already did, come back into thisvariation of anjaneyasana with the arms overhead. if you're more flexible,you can bend the back leg. reach back and grab on like a bow pose. maybe grab on with both hands and open the shoulders a little more, press that foot back,heart forward and out. you could push the foot forward kind of like the frog back bend. or, maybe catch the elbow, take the arms up and...

back yoga poses

 today we are going to learn a bedtime yogasequence to help you destress and relax before bed. to begin, position yourself comfortably onthe bed and move into easy pose. place your hands at your knees, take threedeep breaths as you quiet the mind. re position your feet so that your heels andtoes are touching. make sure to align your spine and if desired,slightly bend forward for an extra stretch. stay here for five breaths. next, extend your legs out in front of youkeeping your torso long exhale and begin to reach for your toes. stay here for five to ten breaths. when you're ready move into pigeon pose. bend one knee and bring it forward towardsyour hands. place your knee on the bed and your handson either side of your leg. square off your hips and stretch forward. repeat the stretch on the other leg when you'reready. next is childs pose. start by folding your legs under you, touchyour big toes together and sit on your heels. lay your torso down on top of your thighs,reach you...

back bay yoga schedule

 are you looking for relief from stress? tryyoga this asana allows the head to rest and increasesthe blood flow to the brain. it reduces stiffness in the lower limbs, calms and provides relieffrom headaches, fatigue and mild depression. place a bolster or two in from of you. andstep the feet slightly apart. keeping the toes and the heels in one line, palms on tothe hips, inhale and as you exhale bending back bay yoga schedule, from the hips, start to relax forward. seeif you can place the crown of your head onto the bolster. the palms in between the feet.then just watching the breathe and each time you exhale, allow the head to relax. gaina nice stretch through the back of the legs. to come out, inhale and lift the head. takethe palms on to the hips and come back to standing.

babes in yoga pants

 (sound of treadmill) i want to go to chick-fil-a, chick-fil-a,call the ladies let’s go to chick-fil-a, chick-fil-a grabyour babies we’re going to chick-fil-a, chick-fil-a,no maybes hello chick-fil-a, chick-fil-a yeah it’s pretty clear why we go to chick-fil-a. we’re treated like royalty here, sometimes go twice a daycause’ we got that lifestyle that all the moms crave all the free ice cream every single day i see you judging me, no make-up on my facebut we can do that here, this is our special place if you you’ve got newborn babies, they’ll raise em’ up! to everything they say my pleasure even when they’re mopping up *bridge*our husbands say we go to chick-fil-a way too much but we get to where yoga pants and our hair in a messy bun(ooo wap wap waooo wap wap) and yes that’s my son running barefoot to the bathroom stall now’s the perfect time for mom to wrap up my business call we bring our playdates hereand all our troubles seem to disappear can't see my bab...

baba ramdev yoga

 it will be itchy and painful red in color for some it may bleed also after the heart surgery , the occurrence of these is more there will be problem in upper part of the body mostly the cure for these is not surgery at all . after the surgery too it may grow again if it is cut too the same proceeds so we will see how to gated of these do the kapalbhathi and pranayam for 1/2hr each kachnar guggul and vridhivadika vati 2-2 tablets each in a day after meals is useful. medohar vati 1 or 2 tablets with an empty stomach triphala guggul also can be taken after meals twice a day this was tested on lakh of people but not on one.this was proven. so in empty stomach take medohar vati and after meals take vridhivadika vati,kanchnar guggul, ttiphala guggul each shila sindhur and prabav pishti can be used if k eloids are more in number this should be taken under certain amounts from patanjali chikitsalay . the shila sindhur with prabhav pishti of prescribed amounts is to be taken those who have k ...

awakened yoga

 dr. pillai: >> why spiritual people are is depressing to consider this, but i love the spiritual people. i have known them forever,not only in this lifetime, but in many lifetimes also. why are they depressed? it’s a veryimportant question. historically speaking, the spiritual people already go through anexploration of their own consciousness which involves depression, and eventually they areable to come out of it, at least some of them. but the whole search is depressive becauseit is anti-world. it’s very interesting that osho, when he was alive, someone askedthis question, but the question was slightly different. the question was, somebody asked:â€Å“why spiritual people are so poor?” he said: â€Å“it is very simple. ibecause theyare spiritual people; they are not material people.” so here the question is: â€Å“whyspiritual people are depressed?” i can think of one ancient text called â€Å“yoga vasishta”.it is easily 1,000 years old, or according to some othe...

awaken yoga

 welcome to kriya yoga. i don't know how much you know about this topic, about the practical side of kriya yoga butin order to start kriya yoga you need to enter in kriya yoga. there are 4entry kriyas that we need to do for this reason. therebythe first kriya in order for you to immerse in yourself, to focus on yourself,to bring mind in the very active condition. whatyou need to do? lay on your belly, put the hands under theshoulders and with the help of your hands to bring your body up and down. maybe you have seen the plank pose from time to time. you have to keep on repeating it severaltimes. about 30-40 seconds. if you can then a minute or more. if you are just starting practicing kriya yoga, if you need to learn and to bring strength inyour muscles then be gentle to yourself!!! the plank pose requires some priorpreparations. today we will do a little bit lighter version. youcould start by being on the knees not going down. do like this. you can keep straight. you choose for ...

ava addams hot yoga

 adriana chechik (born november 4, 1991) is an american pornographic actress chechik was born in downingtown, pennsylvania. she grew up in foster care she was told that she is of russian, serbian, and english descent, but states that she's not sure if that's true chechik earned a ged and attended drexel university she was a biochemistry major she entered the adult film industry in 2013 chechik worked as a stripper at scarlett's cabaret in hallandale beach, florida prior to working in porn the last name in her stage name was derived from the name of horror film director david chechik in may 2013, she signed a non-exclusive, one-year contract with erotique entertainment she performed her first gangbang and double anal for digital sin's this is my first...a gangbang movie, which was released on november 7, 2013 she also performed her first triple anal scene for the 2014 film gangbang me on september 5, 2014, she launched her own website,, on the cherry ...

austin naked yoga

 hi, i'm asha. we'll come to downward facingdog, so bending forward walk the palms out and inhale. step the right foot forward inbetween the two palms. and drop the left heel down on to the ground. inhale to come up.make sure your hips are facing forward, you are activating the back leg and right kneeis in line with the right heel. see if you can slightly turn in the left hip. then inhale, reach the arms up, exhale and drop the shoulders down. feeling strong in the legs, take thepalms behind, bringing the palms together in a prayer pose. you can inhale, do a mini arch at the back, and then interlock the fingers, exhale bringing the head down towardsthe right toes. inhale, back up and then straightening the right leg, turn the toes in and left toesout. do the same thing on the other side.

aum yoga

 hello, my name is donna freeman, founder today we're here to talk about the wonderful sound om.invariably when i go into a school or to teach children, somebody in the class who has neverdone yoga before will come in, sit down on their mat and go like this, "ooommmmm!"they are all excited to begin chanting. so, i'll show you how to do that properlyand the aspects of om you can teach to children. today alea has joined me. she is going tolearn a few mudras, hand positions that you can do while chanting om. as well as the differentaspects of the sound itself. now when you chant om, it's really helpfulbecause the vocalization changes the energy in your body, it provides healing enhances your overall health. it calms your emotions and quiets the mind while providingrelaxation. and increases the sense of togetherness. when you chant om, a lot of people, becauseof how it is written in english, think it is just two sounds om. i actually p...

atmananda yoga

 next we'll be coming into sages pose. so let'sstart sitting up nice and tall, bringing our right knee up and our left foot trying tokeep our toes pointed towards the ceiling with that ankle flexed. let's take our rightarm, cross the front of the right leg. we're going to reach that arm towards the back ofthe body. now we're going to take the left arm, bringing the hands together if we'reable to, drawing forward with the crown of the head and then releasing that and slowly untwisting,doing some rotations for the shoulders to release any tension. this is an excellentpose to start out with using the strap. so we'll bring the arm around the front, reachingfor the strap and holding there if we're not able to get our hands together.

athletic yoga pants

 in case you don't already know yogapants are these cool tight pants and a lot of women wear fur or exerciseclasses most chicks in yoga pants look really good they come in all kinds ofcool designs and and bright neon colors they're quite literally i can theymagically squeeze in the lower parts of the female body to look like a betterand will fit version than the original by better you mean more attractive yeahi'm into all shapes and sizes so you can be big you can be thin i like it allwhen you hop in those yoga pants it just makes whatever better to say anythingabout the cool colors and i can do you talk about that yes like a min ago iwasn't paying attention yoga pants really that new idea becauseback in the eighties. eighties! what's the eighties yeah i'm from the eighties andthat old they had the same kind of pants it was just really tight i think they'recalled spandex but they had his g string type thing on the outside and pull it upto ram the g string i...

athleta yoga pants

 here is your pulse fashion tip of the day! how to wash your fleece lined leggings you want to turn them inside out so the fleece is on the outside. then hand wash them in cold water and air dry them. this is keep them from pilling on the outside and the fleece from balling up on the outside.

athleta yoga mat

 the dottie tribe print started from anoosha, our art director, bringing back a really beautiful piece of vintage inspiration from paris. i probably spent about 100 hours working with kara drawing out the engineer, just starting from one flower and little lines and dots and building it out and building it down. i always choose to hand draw everything. i love the process of watching something come to life and actually having it on paper and being able to look back at it and pick it up is just what i love to do. once florence passes me her final artwork, i usually kind of collage, mash it up, play, then adding that to a body and actually contouring and flattering the woman’s body, it really takes that print to the next level. you guys are going to love the dottie tribe print. there’s lots of time put into it, lots of labor and lots of love.

athens yoga

 i am valia and i'm from athens, greece. ivolunteer at a dog shelter and cat sanctuary and try to help as manycharities as i can, provided that we share the same ideasabout what animal welfare actually is. i rescue, although choosing which dog tosave and which not to is not an easy task for me. i take the shelter dogs homefoster and train them, but basically i spend most of my day filming andphotographing them, which means i am behind a computer screen for longhours everyday editing videos or writing in my blog. i have three dogs that iadore - in fact two of them even walked me down the aisle on my wedding day. inapril 2014 i uploaded my first video about myrescue dog apollo because i just need to tell the world how awesome a dog youpick from the street can be. after that one thing led to another and here weare today. the videos on this channel range from heartbreaking too funny oreven quite sarcastic, so to my blog posts and in fact so do i, because nothing inlife is black-and-wh...

ass yoga pants

 jen selter yoga pants

asian yoga pants

 - don't get too closeto your computer screen or you might get pregnant! - i know that it's almost no fabric. - i know that in highschool, and in middle school, girls wore them above their belt line. - the thing that comes to mind the most is that song by cisco, the thong song. - i think it's gonna feel like my genitals are getting a hug. - i don't typically likethings near my butthole region. - it's like one wrong move, bang, thong, rips my butthole in half. - look at the back! - i didn't imagine it to be this lacy. - where does this strip go? - whoa. - there's no (beep) support there. - sliding it up. - hee! - bending over's so weird. - it's like a sling thatcovers one testicle. - there is a piece of stringin between my butt cheeks. and it feels foreign. - see, i don't know what happened, i was, when i got back fromputting them on i was okay, and then i had to adjustand now i made it worse, and i don't know what happened, exactly. i don...

ashtanga yoga pr

 -donald, i want to ask youbecause the next time i see you, you could be the presidentof the united states. i just wanted to knowif there's something we could do that's justnot presidential really, or something that we can do nowthat we're just both civilians, like... -like what? this is... i'm not likingthe sound of this. go ahead. -can i mess your hair up? [ cheers and applause ] [ laughs ] i'll be gentle.i'll be gentle. [ cheers and applause continue ] -so... as long... the answer's yes,but the people in new hampshire, where i'm going to bein about an hour from now, i hope they're going tounderstand, okay? -did you say yes? -go ahead.with my hairspray. [ drumroll ] -yes! donald trump, everybody! i'll do it as well.

ashtanga yoga poses

 are you looking for relief from stress? tryyoga. this pose effectively restores equilibriumin the nervous system and relaxes the spine. the bolster helps you let go of the use ofmuscular effort and focus on deepening your relaxation in the posture. place the bolster on to the right side ofthe mat and come to lie on to your back. stretching the legs out. bend the left knee and thengently roll over until you can feel the knee is resting on the bolster. take a deep breatheand inhale. as you exhale, look to your left side. allowing nice twist to the whole come out of the posture, take the leg back and then repeat on to the other side

ashtanga yoga portland

 hey guys! join me next week for a beautiful four days of yoga, right here on my youtube channel tinks yoga! everyone is more than welcome to press play and practice, especially those of you who lack time and find it difficult to go to a yoga studio! you can follow me on my facebook page tinks yoga starting this monday, i will guide you through a short and sweet morning yoga, on wednesday you'll get a shot of "pick me up" yoga to get the blood going and energy flowing, on friday we'll release the pressure gathered around the hip area that comes hand in hand with sitting every day for many and sunday is reserved for a relaxing restorative yoga which will allow you to completely let go. find me on my facebook page tinks yoga and join me here to get exactly what your body needs! much love, see you soon!

ashtanga yoga nyc

 oh if a tree could wanderand move with foot and wings, it would not suffer the axeblows and not the pain of saws. for would the sun notwander away in every night? how could it every morningthe world be lighted up? and if the ocean's waterwould not rise to the sky, ashtanga yoga nyc, how would theplants be quickened by streams and gentle rain? the drop that left its homeland,the sea, and then returned? it found an oyster waitingand grew into a pearl. you lack a foot to travel? then journey into yourselfand like a mine of rubies, receive the sunbeams. print out of yourself. such a journey willlead you to yourself. it leads to transformation,of dust into pure gold.

ashram yoga

 gina kennedy: we're going to flow two posestogether using a block to ensure that we keep the proper alignment. so, we're going to useextended mountain pose and intense pose. and so, i'm going to ask faith to just step forwardon the diagonal, and she's going to place this block in between her thighs and squeezeher thighs; that helps her thighs to internally rotate, pressing down into all four cornersof her feet, squeezing her shins into her calves, tilting her tailbone down and drawingher belly in for the strong half of the mountain pose. then, she's going to lengthen up outof the sides of her waist, reach out through the crown of the head, the shoulders are upand back, extending her arms up to the sky, inhaling in, and then as she exhales, she'sjust going to take a seat right down into her chair pose, and notice how she has tokeep the pressure on that block so that she doesn't drop it. good, pressing her tailbonedown. good. she's going to inhale and le...