
Showing posts from January, 2017

yoga den

welcome to yosi. yosi is the all-in-one software solution foryour yoga- and ayurveda studio. with yosi you can overview your customers,courses, incomes and expenses in a simple way. we give you a complete administrative softwarewith lightning fast creation of databases about your customers, course instructors,courses and payments with a clearly structured interface. the core components of yosi are the processes,which set you free from paper. with help from the processes your course instructorscan maintain attendance lists, extend contracts and everything with a few clicks. yosi operates on mac and windows and we planto support other platforms too, especially mobile ones. curious? download your free demonstrationversion of yosi today and explore, how you can free your studio from unnecessary paperforever.

yoga day

sadhguru: hatha yoga is a way of aligning the geometry of your system with the cosmic geometry. it’s a phenomenal process. this is not an exercise, this is not twist and turn, this is not a stretching. this is a way of realigning your system to the cosmic geometry, so that you are a perfect receptacle of everything that’s worth knowing. participant :you can see your body changing. participant :my mind is more calmer and quicker. participant i had a… a knee problem for two years now but it’s completely gone away. participant :about a year ago, i actually pinched a nerve in my lower back. it’s been really incredible because the program hasn’t even ended yet. i don’t think my back has ever been as strong as it is now. sadhguru: as a part of the international yoga day, we will be having a eight day hatha yoga event, where those of you who have not practiced hatha yoga, for you this will be a great opportunity, where you can learn different aspects of hatha yoga in a way it fi...

yoga dallas

- a boner feels like there's alittle monster in your pants. - or a big monster. - [woman] what doeshaving a boner feel like? - [short guy] it feelslike you can't focus on anything else except what you need to do to get rid of that boner. - i guess it's like apermanently flexed muscle, just like tight (pausing) it's just tight. - it feels like you couldjust blast through a wall. - it's like when the beatdrops on a dubstep song, you know it's like, "dong, dong...boom!" hands go up!- yeah, i'm hard! - [woman] how often doyou actually get boners? - [tall guy] you get that,you're asleep, so you have no idea how many boners you'rehaving, probably a hundred. - an after lunch "chubby",do you get those? - just thinking aboutlunch gives me a boner. - six to eight total? - that feels high. - ten times a day? - you get ten boners a day? i get like, four, if i'm lucky. - you get home after work, you could have five, i could have twenty. - ...

yoga daily workout

hatha yoga poses: shoulder stand whole body workout

yoga crow pose

hey, manuel here from tykato fitness, thisis a very short video for those of you who suffer from the transition from crow poseto crane pose. crane pose is crow pose with straight arms, as shown earlier, and the mostcommon tip that you see, is that you start in a crow pose and then slowly try to straightenyour arm over the months that you train it; and this has never worked for me. i've triedit for so long, and it just didn't work. i've yoga crow pose, hit a plateau, so here's how i overcame theplateau: with weighted, elevated planks. okay? with totally straight arms. so i'm just goingto show you: when i started, i put on 5kg (11lbs) in a backpack - now i have a weightvest; and i was doing a plank, like this, elevated, and my arms were completely this; and i've had my hands in the same position as in a crane pose, so index fingerforward, and then just holding the plank here. okay? once i could hold this for a minute,i switched to 10kg, which is abou...

yoga connection

in flamingo style with your heels together,toes apart; to feel a good firm grip. then take your left foot right behind you, takeyour shoulders right back, so it opens up the sternum, helps with balance and then bringthe arms out. in flamingo you want to feel the connection between the hand and the shoulderas you move those hands and move the shoulders, the wings of a flamingo. now, lengthen theright leg, you can lean forward and you can touch that left foot to the floor for fivepercent of your body weight or you can pick up that left foot and just lean forward. nowbreathe in deep through your nose, and exhale, another deep breath in, exhale and anotherdeep breath in as you move the hands, move the shoulders and keep leaning forward. now,release that down and take your right foot behind you. many people find the flamingoa little bit easier to just hold those arms out straight rather than cause the movementor get more benefit by moving, lengthen the left leg, touch the floor with the rig...

yoga computer

hope your enjoy guys..... like, share, comment & subscribe us!

yoga collective

fluffy blend all for a good cause. 's four this weekend you can forget about downward dog and talk about downward bunny. that yoga collective, is exactly what we are doing out here. we are practicing all of our yoga moves. karen, you have a special event to benefit two cause. this benefit is a nonprofit yoga studio and the nonprofit spca. we have five baby bunnies that will be joining us. this raises profits. the bunnies will be roaming around in the class with us and you will get to do yoga with the bunnies as these lovely people are right here. this is a beginner friendly class. i haven't done yoga and i am sure that i am not that flexible. this is very beginner friendly. candy bunnies to a downward dog? you never know, i bet they are going to show us all kinds of cool things. if you fall in love maybe you can take one home, yes. if you are interested you can come down to the studio and about a new friend. i love it. you still have tickets available? yes. tickets are availabl...

yoga clothing brands

hi, my name is keegan white, and i an instructorat the wilmington yoga center. â today, i am going to give you some tips what to wearto one of our hot yoga class offerings! â  for women we recommend:breathable fabric, but dress down so your skin can do its job by regulating your bodytemperature. avoid clothing that restricts movement and cotton fabric that absorbs andholds moisture. â women practicing hot yoga often wear workout shorts, tank tops, sportsbras, or spandex. for men we recommend:swimming trunks or running shorts make good choices for men in hot yoga classes. if youchoose to wear a top, stay away from cotton and choose t-shirts or tanks made of breathablefabric. we offer a wide variety of hot yoga clothingfor men and women at the wilmington yoga center- the best options all students are ones thatdon't distract you or get in your way during class! thank you for joining me today! â we lookforward to seeing you on your mat! â for more information on our hot yoga class offe...

yoga clothes for men

hi, my name is keegan white, and i an instructorat the wilmington yoga center. â today, i am going to give you some tips what to wearto one of our hot yoga class offerings! â  for women we recommend:breathable fabric, but dress down so your skin can do its job by regulating your bodytemperature. avoid clothing that restricts movement and cotton fabric that absorbs andholds moisture. â women practicing hot yoga yoga clothes for men, often wear workout shorts, tank tops, sportsbras, or spandex. for men we recommend:swimming trunks or running shorts make good choices for men in hot yoga classes. if youchoose to wear a top, stay away from cotton and choose t-shirts or tanks made of breathablefabric. we offer a wide variety of hot yoga clothingfor men and women at the wilmington yoga center- the best options all students are ones thatdon't distract you or get in your way during class! thank you for joining me today! â we lookforward to seeing you on your mat! â for more information on o...

yoga classes online

are you looking for relief from stress? tryyoga. this mild inversion is known for a wide range of health benefits. it helps regulateblood flow, restores tired feet and legs. gently stretches the back, neck, glutes andrelieves mild backache and calms anxiety. so this is a restorative posture, you can do rightat home. all you'll need is a mat, a bolster and a wall. so here we're going to use a tree. yoga classes online, come right next to the wall and sit on toyour bolster and get yourself as close as you can to the wall/tree. slowly begin tolie down and then take the feet up, you can bring your hips a little bit closer towardsthe wall and then walk up your feet up the wall. take your arms by the side, slowly begin torelax, this gives a beautiful stretch to the back of your legs. you can even keep scootingyour hips closer till they are touching the wall. and then keep the legs straight andyou get a nice stretch through the back of the legs, the spine relaxed. stay here for up to ...

yoga classes nyc

every tuesday, 700 peoplegather to practice yoga at grace cathedralin san francisco. this is the largestyoga class in america. i started when i was in college, just as a class. so i thinkit's really good for flexibility. yoga classes nyc, i'm lottie. i'm 70 years old. i've been coming herefor about three years. the older i get, themore i need yoga. if i'm ever having any kindof stress or anything else, i just do a yoga pose. my favorite yogapose is the warrior ii. it makes me feelpowerful and strong. my favorite yoga pose is the corpse because you can really relax. every new one that's introduced to me. i enjoy them all. it's good for my bodyand it's good for my soul and it's good for my spirit. especially as you age, youknow, for your core strength and your flexibility and your balance. i sleep a lot better after i do yoga. the stresses of the day are gone and it provides me a toolfor the rest of the week. oh, you should do it. don't be afraid.

yoga class near me

every tuesday, 700 peoplegather to practice yoga at grace cathedralin san francisco. this is the largestyoga class in america. i started when i was in college, just as a class. so i thinkit's really good for flexibility. yoga class near me, i'm lottie. i'm 70 years old. i've been coming herefor about three years. the older i get, themore i need yoga. if i'm ever having any kindof stress or anything else, i just do a yoga pose. my favorite yogapose is the warrior ii. it makes me feelpowerful and strong. my favorite yoga pose is the corpse because you can really relax. every new one that's introduced to me. i enjoy them all. it's good for my bodyand it's good for my soul and it's good for my spirit. especially as you age, youknow, for your core strength and your flexibility and your balance. i sleep a lot better after i do yoga. the stresses of the day are gone and it provides me a toolfor the rest of the week. oh, you should do it. don't be afraid...

yoga circle

how to stretch for back pain 2: cat cow stretch.picture a cow in a pasture or a sleeping cat—could their lives be any more relaxed? since stressaggravates back pain, take a cue from these animals and practice this relaxing yoga-inspiredstretch. you will need comfortable clothes and a floor. step 1. get down on your handsand knees. your hands should be pointing forward and aligned underneath your shoulders, andyour knees should be aligned underneath your yoga circle, hips. step 2. inhale, and slowly arch yourback over a count of 5, dropping your belly towards the floor and raising your head, chest,and tailbone up. don’t overuse your lower back muscles; let gravity do most ofthe work. step 3. hold the stretch for 3 seconds. step 4. exhale, and slowly round your backover a count of 5, dropping your head and tailbone down and pulling your belly inwardsstep 5. hold the stretch for 3 seconds. to vary the stretch, rotate your midsection ina clockwise circle as you arch up and then...

yoga chicago

lakeshore integrative health care offers avariety of different services. we offer a unique combination of services including manual therapy, naprapathy, physical therapy, and acupuncture. yoga chicago, we also host tai chi classes and we provide community education through seminars at our office. coming to lakeshore integrative healthcarea patient can be very satisfied that we're going toprovide everything they need in terms of rehabbing their body and taking care of their pain and relieving that pain. we have a very integrative approach that helps the patient's gets betterquicker and we feel that most definitely an improvement to the standard traditional physical therapy or chiropracticor other forms of therapy because we've combined everythingtogether

yoga chair

elizabeth rose: so, this next pose is justan easy seated twist. i'm demonstrating it in a chair because i know that a lot of peoplespend a lot of time in their chair at the office, and this is something that you cando any time. so, make sure when you're sitting in your chair that your sits bones are planted,your legs are not crossed, and hopefully, if your feet can reach the floor, then yourfeet are on the floor, flat on the floor. yoga chair, all you going to do is inhale; again, letthe crown of the head rise, keep the shoulder blades melting down on either side of thespine, and you're going to start to twist from the bottom up. so think of twisting throughyour waist. and then the twist moves up through the middle of your back, all the way up throughyour shoulders. you're going to place a hand on the back of the chair and a hand on theside of the chair or on your knee to push into this twist. as you exhale, the shouldersturn and then very last thing that happens is you...

yoga center

are you sick and tired of dealing with poor flexibility poor posture back problems aching joints beingoverweight or balanced stress or just want to increase your sense ofhealth and well-being then experience the rejuvenating power of yoga yoga center, presenting keep youthful with yoga a four dvd sets that's guaranteed tochange your life for the better discover the little know allnatural holistic secrets that can transform your body mind and spirit make excessweight and stress vanish like magic without the need of pills diets or endless jogging it all starts with keeping youthful with yoga grab your copy today

yin yang yoga

hi my name is scott soller, yoga instructoron behalf of expert village. in this series we'll be doing zen yoga which is a workingwith our vital center, located deep down in our abdomen below the surface waves of mindat the bottom of the ocean. we'll be moving from our vital center and filling out theposes from that vital center. zen yoga has to do with realizing that in recognizing thatyou are already awake to your fullest potential yin yang yoga, right here and right now. so as you desireto make your changes, the same time recognize that you are already home. zen yoga like zenitself is about not striving, in about resting the seeking mind, its about recognizing andresting in your immediate awareness. so there is a attachment that we practice in our doingyoga we do not try to attain anything. we're not chasing after anything. we're trying toin our non trying to just rest in your need happiness that is already with us in otherneed awareness.

yen yoga

hi, my name is scott soller, yoga instructoron behalf of expert village. counter posing the back bend we just received, we take thefeet way out front and the sit bones come back. on the inhale it sit tall pressing thelower back a little bit in, on the exhale we'll fold taking the hands out front androunding the spine, just totally relax here. relaxing into the back of the neck, base ofthe skull. you can be here longer but eventually, yen yoga, inhaling up where one heel is placed a setof toes. each segment will work the inner thighs, hips, groins, lower back a littledifferently. inhaling sitting tall, exhaling folding, rounding and, rest here, accent releasingand relaxing. be here longer as you like. eventually, where one heel is place the otherset of toes and then the sole to match the other sole, sitting tall exhaling foldingand, keep your back flat and, you can also round. this opens the hips so that we cansit more. as are in practice of sitting, just sitting. our back is also f...

yama yoga

beloved friends namaste we are here with the pose janu sirsasana so you know the dandasana now take all the alignment sit bones onto the ground arches active lower back lift the top of the head towards yama yoga, the top of the sky and from here take the left foot out this is kind of external rotation hold under the knee area and bring the heel closer closer closer closer to that inner thigh as much as closer here so once you're here pay attention that you're going to be here but then bring your right hip back so bring your pelvic facing front here now from here lift from the lower back up lift from the heart up and look up gently without compressing the neck when you're going forward don't go down like that rounding the back its gonna kill you first pay attention to the arch it must be not going here or head must be here the lengthening and go down from the heart go down from the heart go down from the heart and your heart is always lifting up you can stay here you ca...

y2 yoga

maybe you've been working out for a long timeor maybe you're just getting started. regardless of where you're at in your weight trainingprogram, all of us want to do whatever we can to get a much better a-s-s. hi my nameis jani roberts, and i'm a certified personal trainer and also a graduate of the americanacademy of nutrition. today i'm going to show you some great exercise that will build yourglutes like you've never had them before. y2 yoga, first let's start with a basic squat. it'sreally important when you squat that you make sure that your knees stay right over yourtoes. so the idea is that you want to squat way back. now if you don't have a lot of corestrength, you haven't been keeping that abdominal region fit. it's going to be difficult foryou to go as low as you may want to go. just go down as far as you can make it and thenback up. but you see how my knees stay right over my heels. you can feel that drive straightinto your glutes....

xxx yoga

♪ ♪ ♪ wicked or weakness, ♪ ♪ you gotta see this,waaaaay (yeah, yeah!) ♪ ♪ aye, i remembersyrup sandwiches andcrime allowances ♪ ♪ finesse a nigga witsum counterfeits ♪ xxx yoga, ♪ but now i'm countin this ♪ ♪ parmesan where myaccountant lives infact i'm down at this ♪ ♪ dusse wit my boobae, tastes like koolaid for the analysts ♪ ♪ girl, i can buy your assthe world wit my paystub ♪ ♪ ooh that pussy good, won'tyou sit it on my taste bloods ♪ ♪ i get way too petty onceyou let me do the extras ♪ ♪ pull up on yourblock, then break itdown we playin tetris ♪ ♪ a.m. to the p.m.,p.m. to the a.m. funk ♪ ♪ piss out your per diemyou jus gotta hate em, funk ♪ ♪ if i quit your bm i stillride mercedes, funk ♪ ♪ if i quit this season istill be the greatest, funk ♪ ♪ my left strokejust went viral ♪ ♪ right stroke putlil baby in a spiral ♪ ♪ soprano c, we like tokeep it on a high note ♪ ♪ it's levels to it, yo...

womens yoga pants

- i think these might give me mom butt. hey cuties! welcome to ladylike. - there's no reason why youcan't be comfy and cute. - today, we're going to try to style the same pair of joggers... womens yoga pants, - four different ways. - to show that anyone can rock anything. - let's play, can i wear that? - [voiceover] joggers edition. - i think joggers are anexcuse to wear pajamas in a social setting. - joggers are formal sweatpants. - i'm pretty sure mostjoggers have drawstring lace. - i don't know what joggers are. - my personal interpretation of joggers is they're a happy marriagebetween skinny jeans and sweatpants. they're casual, you can wearthem pretty much anywhere and you can dress them up or down. big things that denote a jogger is they're a little loose around the waist, they can have a slight drop crotch and the main thing isthey're tapered at the ankle. i think as long as the girls are creative and sort of embracewhat makes them unique,...

wilmington yoga center

in any vinyasa flow, you will do sun citations.and i'm going to break this down actually into two parts. and this is the first partof the sun citation. if you haven't watched the previous clip, i highly recommend yougo back and it will break down each of these postures that i'm about to refer to. so whatyou'll do is you start in tadasana or mountain pose with your feet about hip width apart,one foot ten toes if you're a little more wilmington yoga center, advanced. if you find the easier balance ifhip width apart, lift those toes up and figure out where your weight is. you can either startwith your hands out in regular mountain pose or in anjali mudra which is prayer positionin your heart center. then on an inhale, you slowly scoop your arms up in towards the can touch your hands or just keep them about shoulder width apart, just depends whereyour range of motion is in your shoulder joints. on an inhale you come up, on an exhale you'llslowly fall to ...

who invented yoga pants

( music playing ) ( quacks ) ( squawks ) ♪ did you know ducksare necrophiles? ♪ ♪ that's duck science ♪ who invented yoga pants, ♪ they don't have sphincters,dump in piles ♪ ♪ that's why ducksdon't buy pants ♪ ♪ and we have to face this ♪ ♪ male ducks are rapists ♪ ♪ duck tales, woo-oo ♪ ♪ scientifically accurate ♪ ♪ crazy pooping birdsshould go to duck jails... ♪ - ( quacks )- ( neighs ) ♪ then there's the wholepool of gold ♪ ♪ scrooge won'twrite a check ♪ ♪ and whetherhe was young or old ♪ ♪ if he dived in,he'd break his neck ♪ ♪ a gold pile looks neat ♪ ♪ but is hard as concrete ♪ ♪ d-d-d-danger,a duck's behind you ♪ ♪ boy or girl,a duck will grind you ♪ ♪ also ducksare cannibals, true ♪ ♪ duck tales!woo-oo ♪ ♪ have salmonellaand h5n1 bird flu ♪ ♪ woo-oo! ♪ ♪ duck tales, woo-oo! ♪ ( plane zooming ) ♪ last verse ison genitalia ♪ ♪ so stay in your places ♪ â™...

white rock yoga

now on dvd core yoga white rock yoga, core here means a strong center. core yoga gives you inner vitality and a "protective coat" for your daily life. strenghten your center with core yoga spoken and signed with (german) captions now on dvd core yoga - yoga for a strong center with betty schaetzchen order here:

what to wear to yoga

why do women wear yoga pants in public? sometimes it is a matter of convenience. youwear the same pants to class as you do to the grocery store. they are so form fitting, though on some formsit is more replusive than others. they are as comfortable as pajamas, withoutlooking lazy. and they can be eye-catching, what to wear to yoga, without looking slutty in low rise jeans thatreveal thong underwear. and there are people who are so fat that theyshould be prohibited from wearing yoga pants. you should hear that song called "yoga pants". why? is it funny? it succintly explains why guys should alsobe banned from wearing yoga pants. because, on guys, it looks lewd. on peopleriddled with cellulite, it is just rude. there's another reason women wear yoga reveals how fit you are. we already said revealing. no, it is like wearing a track suit to thestore. wearing yoga pants is a fashion statement as well as a lifestyle statement, saying thatyou are a hip, healthy, fit per...

what is yoga good for

hey guys welcome to 5 minute miracle yoga class today we will be focusing on releasing your glutes everyday were at the office, driving in your car or working out you're constantly putting so much pressure into those glutes and they get tighter and tighter what is yoga good for, and overtime they will cause discomfort in your lower back or your hamstrings so were going to be going through 2 different postures two different variations of the pigeon these two exercises are really good for you again under 5 minutes and you'll feel the benefits alright guys, lets do this so before we start, were going to begin first in our downward facing dog and then what were going to do is start with the left leg first and you're going to take your left knee and bring it to your left thumb alright, so i'm show it to you and then were going to do it together so downward dog left leg so this is called a pigeon and you're going to take it all the way down and you want to try and get the...

what is yin yoga

hello my name is scott soller, yoga instructoron behalf of expert village. dragonfly, the feet come wide. you want to lift the seatwith your hands come to frontal portion of the sit bones. you want to sit tall on theinhale. eventually exhaling the back of the knees down. again lift that ribs away fromthe hips as you inhale, as you forward fold, slide the hands forward. again, back flator back rounding. this stretches not only what is yin yoga, the inner thighs but the kidney meridian,the liver meridian as well as the gallbladder meridian are respectively stretched and might try turning the toes back reaching into the arches of the feet, make sure theshoulder blades are relaxing back down the back. when you're ready to release the poseon the inhale we float the chest up, exhaling and release.

what is vinyasa yoga

i'd like to define yoga for our purposes invinyasa yoga today. the word yoga can be translated in english to union. yoga is over five thousandyears old. and the union that yoga is referring to is first there is the awe, the super consciousness.and then there is our manifestation in reality as singular consciousness. we as human beingshave a mind. and with our mind we are consciousness of ourselves. and we can be consciousnessof the super consciousness. we can be melded with the super consciousness. but we don'tlive like that everyday. our everyday life we use our mind. it's a useful tool to getus where we need to go back and forth. but then the mind can also create neurosis andbegin to suffer. yoga is bringing us back towards knowing ourselves as the universalas everything as all. and then we can be more noble, happy people.

what is power yoga

sadhguru: see, because yoga is not an exercise form, it has other dimensions to it, teaching it as a compulsory process in the school has its limitations. it may… you may reduce yoga into a gymnastic process, which will be a severe what is power yoga, it’s a crime to do that. but there is something called as upa yoga that means sub-yoga or useful processes of doing things which has no spiritual dimension attached to it. if you do upa yoga or angamardhana systems of yoga, fitness is assured, you will not need any equipment, all you need is six by six floor and you will be super fit and you can build your muscle, everything. only thing is you won’t become like this (gestures). a whole lot of people have become like this (gestures), they think they are fit. i think they are in a straightjacket (laughter). it’s not just strength, it’s not just the bulge of your muscle. the flexibility of your body is as important for proper functioning of the system. in yoga we are not just looki...

what is kundalini yoga

kundalini yoga is most powerful and isuseful to activate chakras to do,how to practice kundalini meditation kundalini lotus pose first balance onthe seek remand graft the big toes,how to practice kundalini meditation holding into the big toes raise the legsto a 60 degree angle from the floor and,how to practice kundalini meditation spread them wide without bending theknees engage the navel for balance keep,how to practice kundalini meditation the spine straightapply a constant brew flock hold for two,how to practice kundalini meditation what is kundalini yoga, minutesbreathing deeply then inhale deeply,how to practice kundalini meditation exhale and apply a strong lock repeatthe strong roof lock breath cycle two,how to practice kundalini meditation more timesrelax thank you for watching this video,how to practice kundalini meditation please subscribe my channel,how to practice kundalini meditation

what is hot yoga

i started working here last march and i reallyenjoy this studio. i enjoy this studio because it’s like a spa. it’s really has a lot of amenities for the students to feel comfortable, at home and really tranquilwhile they do a bikram yoga practice. it’s bright and clean. it’s a great place totransform yourself. it’s really important for your studio to nourish you. there’san authentic generosity here that you can what is hot yoga, taste, you can feel, you can almost put yourhands on. i enjoy it. i went to training with kendra. there’s an exceptional quality inthis studio. everything is of the utmost quality. i’ve seen bikram yoga studios around thearea. they’re all great. it’s just that kenra had the opportunity to give you themost bang for your buck. my name is ambiya binta. i am bryp. we are byrp!

what is hatha yoga

hello i'm howard and welcome to this introductionto hatha yoga. what is hatha yoga and how is it different from the other kinds of yogayou may have heard of or practiced before? hatha yoga is perhaps the most common kindof yoga that's taught in the west currently, but there are many other kinds. you may haveheard of ashtanga yoga, vinyasa yoga which a flowing movement based yoga, kundalini yogawhich involves a lot of specific breathing what is hatha yoga, practices and mantras and mudras and handpositions, bikram yoga which is done in a heated room 26 poses repeated in sequencea few times. hatha yoga however is slightly different; it was first developed by bks lyengarand involves holding poses for a slightly longer periods of time. building up endurance,stamina as well as flexibility and strength. in the following segments, we'll be exploringsome very basic hatha yoga positions suitable for anyone to begin practicing with. rememberingthat the secret to all yoga is a daily p...

what is bikram yoga

so, i would say for brand new students who arecoming in to take their very first class one of the major things is to make sure that your wellhydrated prior to coming to class. make sure you drink plenty of fluids because that helpsregulate your body temperature while you’re in the room. so, you want to make sure you're well hydrated. and, a good rule of thumb, particularly,if you’re taking class later in the evening is to take your body weight, divide it bytwo. that’s the amount of ounces that youwant to drink throughout the day to get yourbody prepared. because, it’s fine and well to drink during class but you want to get hydrated on thecellular level so you need to drink at least 30 minutes prior to class. i am vernita parker.i am bryp. we are byrp!

what is ashtanga yoga

vinyasa yoga is moving from one asana to anotherin a flowing movement. asant can be literally translated as seaked. you would recognizeit as posture or pose. so, vinyasa is translated as flow. so we area flowing from one poseto another. they're expanding and contracting poses. we can have a seed pose that we expandand transform pose after pose and more pose after pose from. or can keep morphing frompose to pose to pose to pose. the master of vinyasa yoga is shri k. pattabhi jois in can look him up on the web-site. there is many many books written about shri k. pattabhijois my teacher was certified by shri k. pattabhi jois, wayne krasner in south miami beach.and i felt and i felt absolutely in love with vinyasa. i fell in love with the flowing movements.and most importantly that it is a moving meditation.

wet yoga pants

announcer: does it disgust you to your very core to watch overly affectionate couple get lovey-dovey in public? well, too bad, because kylie and wet yoga pants, tyga are back on full force and they're hugging and touching and rubbing all up in your face. oh, that's sweet. >> tyga and kylie are into the being shy or trying to hide they're back together. they went bentley shopping. they were super p.d.a., kissing, hugging. announcer: yes, the on again/off again/on again/whatever again couple went bentley shopping together. wait, bentley shopping? harvey: because tyga got his repossessed and can't afford one. that's ironic. announcer: easy, alanis. but he's right, because tyga's bentley allegedly got repoed in february and he's tangled with the repo man before which is why these pics and this snapchat video are so disturbing. get that kid out of the candy shop. he's a diabetic! >> maybe she's buying it for him. announcer: or maybe kylie...

west end yoga

people are are confused because whatthey don't understand in is that we are not oppressed as muslims in fact women under islam have more rights thanthey do in a society without religion particularly among atheistic one andparticularly islam because actually it creates boundaries which men have tocomply with to protect us women and that's what people just can't understand and it really takes it took me to live in syria and see in a different set upof social existence actully women out that there thought we in thewest are oppressed because of our attitude towards men how we can give ourselves freely and how you know be left on ower own with nothing in the endand people can just like a box of chocolates you just pick one out and at the end of the day there is no depth actully as westren women growing up inthis society the oppresses that i was under you like she was saying, you know have to present yourself for the plessure of menin a particular way you know. we are under so m...

weight loss yoga

how to lose butt fat before after 1. eat balance diet is they key for lossing butt fat. reducing or removing sugary & fatty foods beverages that can helps to cut calories fast also no more soda, no more fast foods, no oily foods, no junk foods, anything unhealthy fat avoid them all. weight loss yoga, 2. eat healthy low calories foods. you need to reduce or burn 3500 calories to lose one pound of fat. eat at least 1200 a day to stay fit and loss fat healthily. eat vegetable and fruits because the low in calories, high nutrients, fiber to fell more full, sugar in fruits will not store fat and prevent blood sugar rise. 3. drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. drink more water helps your stay hydrated and control from getting hunger. 4. choose best exercise such as squats. go as low as your can, thinking like sitting on chair. do this 2 sets of 18 to 24 repetitions for 3 times a week. 5. best exercise such as lunges make sure fron...

weight loss through yoga

yoga burn is a super easy to follow, progressive,twelve week follow along video series that you can do from the comfort of your own home,so that you can experience everything the very best yoga has to offer and a lot, lotmore. here's a glimpse at how it works. yoga burn is strategically built in three uniquephases. phases one is called the foundational flowbecause that is exactly what you'll be building weight loss through yoga, and perfecting, a super solid yoga foundationthat allows both beginners and advanced students to immediately experience the most powerfulbenefits yoga has to offer by using this strategic, enjoyable, yet somewhat uncommon set of'll also be introduced to new, unique poses, specifically designed to ignite your metabolism,and begin tightening your problem areas. you'll be handheld through every sequence, so thatyou execute every move safely, correctly, and in a specific way that promotes a senseof well being, and develops a strong min...

wanderlust yoga austin

. we are striking a pose. maybe some sweaty exercise on this humid day. it is yoga and joining us now wanderlust yoga austin, is molly mckneel from core power and leah wong. and this is a great start and we have shown it all morning. mike and natalie rocked it. great night. beautiful evening. it is going to be a hot one today. get out and sweat. where did this idea come from. fitness is a huge part of the culture here and there is a number of prefitness opportunities and we are excited to be partnering with core power yoga. on a day like today. it feels like yoga sculpt class and minus the weight. how important are the group events with the city of minneapolis and the community for you guys. super important. we love getting out in the community and bring them into the studio all the time and we have made an effort the last two summers to get out and meet people where they want to be which is outside. outside enjoying the sunshine. i am a little intimidated when we bring in the gorgeous...

walmart yoga pants

- oh god. - turn it on? - one two three. - oh man, my vagina's clenching. i've never tried a sex toy in my life. walmart yoga pants, - sex toys, i'm kindof familiar with them. - it was like a cheapone and it just hurt. - i don't really masturbatethat often 'cause i'm busy. - i like the natural. - i could stand to havemore sex toys in my life. (risque instrumental music) - panties that vibrate. - i assume it's kind of like, you know, indiana jones but justlike right in your vagina. just like. - yeah, i think this'll be convenient. this'll make meetingsa lot more interesting. - oh my god. - damn, that's sexy. it's like a purple pill. - when you like fall in between your bike, it's just gonna feellike that the whole time. - kinda feels like there'sa friend in my vagina. - 'sup, mom? - they fit. - i feel naughty. - this is the controller. - i just hope i don't (bleep) in public, 'cause i think that's illegal. i'm prett...

walmart yoga mat

hey, okay right there ready t.j., over here, little orange head, flavorful body what the... what do you want? walmart yoga mat, i like your style who are...what are you? what is you? yeah, you look like an unemployed civil war general yeahwell there’s not a lot work for civil war generals right now you look like you’re about to get evicted from your parents' basement oh, really? yeah you look like you’ve recently been evicted from your parents’ orange crate you look like you’re on a cleanse that doesn’t work do you realize that your sunglasses move when you talk? it’s kind of my thing it’s terrifying you look like your pet turtle is the only one you can lean on for emotional support derek’s a good listener was it difficult to give up your dream of becoming a punk rocker to manage an electronics store in san diego? you look like you were raised in the wild, but your dad wolf worked a lot well yeah, he had to bring home that wolf bacon do you consider fresh squeezed...

wake up yoga

alright our next pose for reviving and wakingup in the morning is a seated side stretch. once again from easy pose, propping yourselfup on something if your knees are coming up above the level of the waist. all you're goingto do here is let the arms float up to shoulder level, you're going to reach the right fingertips out on the floor beside you, you just let them land where they land but keep themactive and reaching. we're going to drop that wake up yoga, elbow down as we lift the top arm up at leastto the ceiling, and if you're feeling really open and really comfortable with this poseyou can reach it up alongside the ear, but don't let the shoulders creep up. we don'twant to be doing this; you want to have lots of nice open space here and energy throughthe fingertips. inhaling, crown of the head floats as you come over the top reach thosefingers, drop the elbow and lift this arm up and over. the other important thing aboutthis pose is that i'm not letting...

vinyasa yoga poses

so the next sequence of vinyasa flow is aseries sun salutation, starting in tadasana. can inhale, sweep the arms around and up,exhale, dive into forward bend. inhale, lengthen your spine, exhale, step one foot back, stepthe other foot back coming into a downward facing dog. and then you can gently gaze forward,extend your spine, step one foot back forward, second foot comes up utanasana. inhale, extendthe arms around, exhale, tadasana.

vinyasa flow yoga

hi, my name is keegan white, and i an instructorat the wilmington yoga center. â today, i am going to tell you about our hot power flowflow yoga class! â  hot power flow yoga classes are for intermediateto advanced yoga students that enjoy the heat! hot power flow yoga classes are inspired bya blend of yoga traditions, with an emphasis on vinyasa flow yoga practiced in a hot room.â hot power flow yoga classes are a creative fusion of teachings from different lineagesand movement modalities, practiced in a heated room of 95 to 105 degrees. the temperatureof each class is denoted on the schedule. hot power flow yoga classes allow for purifying,heat-building practices that stretch and strengthen the body while releasing impurities, and theseclasses are quite a workout! “mix” classes vary depending on each teacher’sstyle and creativity, and the class sequences always offer something new! â if you are lookingfor variety, new challenges, inspiring music, a great workout, and leaving ho...

village yoga

in this clip, we're going to practice a fundamentalbreath to kundalini yoga, which is long, deep breathing. so, sit in a nice, meditative posture,hands resting on the knees, and close your eyes focusing in and up at the brow point,and just begin to breathe long and deep through the nostrils, expanding as you inhale, raisingthe clavicle, expanding the belly, briefly suspending the breath in, and then slowlyexhaling through the nose as you bring the navel point back in toward the spine, completelyexhaling all the air, and just continue for about three minutes, inhaling deeply, suspendingthe breath, and slowly exhaling.

victoria secret yoga pants

- this is the... top. yep, this is the top. (laughs) and, okay, yep, that'sthe bottom. all right. - i don't think i've everspent a dime on a bathing suit. - and i know zero aboutwomen's bathing suits. - muy caliente! okay. - a little sports illustrated action! - that's not the front, is it? how do women do it. i would not feel okay with this. - this is a large, are you kidding me? this is two eye patchesthat were sewn together. (laughs) look at this stupid thing. - $150. - let's say $24 for the set. - $34, that's how much it is. - $200? no! - okay, so this is a good price. there's no way this is$25 worth of material. - see, this is nice, gottawhole boardwalk empire vibe. - there's a triangle right here. illuminati confirmed. - $40. - $75. - whaaat? - shut up, this is a $246 swimsuit. - you're going into the ocean or into a chlorine-filled pool, and you're gonna spentalmost $300 on this? why don't you just go in your prom dress. - you must...

vibe yoga

so in this clip, katie and i are going toshow you an exercise of pranayama or breathing exercise called uji. during uji breathing,we're also going to focus a little bit on meditation for woman in their third trimesterof pregnancy. so, katie, sitting in a nice soft cross legged pose, go ahead and sit upnice and tall, relax the backs of the hands on the knees. and for our uji breathing, you'refirst going to remember that three part breath, breathing from the belly through the ribs,up to the tops of the lungs on the inhale, and exhaling through the nose, lying everythingto relax. so just start your uji breath, go ahead and inhale deeply. and as you exhale,it's like the word, haaa, or ha, but you're whispering it with your mouth closed. so you'reusing the back of your throat to keep the breath, and make a little sound that helpsto anchor the mind. so inhaling deeply, and as you exhale. and again inhaling in your uji breath, the inhale and the exhale go complet...

vibe yoga allen

john bolton, former us ambassador to the un,finally got it right. the un arms trade treaty, bolton says--likely to be signed by obamaand hillary this week--will see our second amendment, the right to bear arms, shot fullof holes. bolton argues that although the treaty's ostensible intent is to 'curb globalarms sales' it will most certainly lead to mandatory registrations of our guns, pistols,rifles, right here in america, which means vibe yoga allen, nothing less than confiscation. and becausehillary and obama will be signing a "treaty," it will have the same legal force as congressionallegislations, more so, it will override the second amendment. and no senate ratificationwill be needed. well, the stage has been set--it's almost surreal--for with the 'batman' killingsthis past weekend..."white man goes on a shooting spree"...(there's more to this than meetsthe eye) obama and hillary and the us military have perfect justification to take ...

vegas hot yoga

hi, my name is aymee and i came to bikramyoga back in february of 2010 because i have two body concerns: i had starting hand arthritisand shoulder stiffness. i came inspired by dr. wayne dyer because he practices almostevery day and he is always preaching that "there is no arthritis in the body that goesto bikram yoga at least three times a week." so i came and i experienced for myself andso far after 6 months i have a new body so vegas hot yoga, i am living a wonderful life, no pain, fullof joy and energy. i recommend you to join us any time you want.

urban yoga

reporter: the kids love yoga program helps kids withfocus and balance using simple poses and fun activities… sb: razielle s. mergel: i think it’s very important for us to supportthe military children, and with kid’s yoga, it benefits them. they learn about stillness, flexibility, relaxation,and health and wellbeing. that’s what this program is all about. {sound pop} it’s been nothing but a pure joy to seethese children, that they really have that power and self-control to be there at themoment and be a part of the class. yoga lets military kids find stability andcalmness while they face constant change. petty officer lorelei vander griend, yokotaair base, japan.

urban yoga spa

enjoy listening relaxing music to your heart and ears.

urban breath yoga

hello! my name is inma. i practice and teach ashtanga yoga in itinere. i've been practicing for more or less seven years and have been teaching for about three. we practice the primary series of ashtanga yoga, yoga chikitsa. and is characterized because is a form of dynamic yoga in wich we use vinyasa between the postures. urban breath yoga, vinyasa involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures, using the eyes to focus (drishtis), and the three bandhas that we have. uddiyana bandha is the abdominal contraction. mulabandha, is the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and jalandhara bandha is the throat or the chin lock. aside from this, we use ujjayi breathig to createinternal heat. i invite you to come whenever you want to itinere, to try one of my classes. we practice monday and wednesday mornings, and on tuesday and thursday evenings. the classes are about onehour and a half. you are very welcome. thank you and see you soon!

upper back stretches yoga

in this video i talk about how you can stretchout your upper back while you’re burping your baby on your lap, or nursing your baby.upper back problems can really result from the constant strain you’re putting on yourback as you take care of your new baby, through holding her, nursing her, and burping heron your back. so one really great thing to do is to remember to keep your back straightand keep your muscles relaxed. while you’re upper back stretches yoga, burping your baby on your lap, or while you’renursing your baby, you can also stretch out your upper back muscles. and the way to dothat is to bend your head and to move your head left to right, um, in this fashion. soyou put your head down, you move over to the left, you sort of stretch your muscles out,you just hang your head low. and then you go and you do it on the other side. and thisis an activity that you can easily do as you see, i’m doing it right now as i burp mybaby. and i’m also going to show you how you can...

union yoga

>> >>peggy: the parents attorney sent an email to superintendent tim beared calling the yoga classes religious in nature and threatenedlegal action. ut san diego columnist matt hall joins meat our weekly round table to talk about the parents, matt, you went to some of the yoga classes, you actually sat in on them, what were theylike and who was there? union yoga, >> >>matt hall: i went and saw two classes,both first grade classes. dollar were probably a dozen or 15 kids. i'dsay in each. their hr 30 minutes, twice a week, and classesthat i saw you had kids doing airplane, so they're lying down on their stomachs, puttingtheir arms out, they did alligator, they did bird, ask and then they do poses that don'teven have some of the names from what most people would think of as yoga.these classesãš from what i saw and what i believe, are not religious in any way.>> >>peggy: they've been modified, certainly those terms are modified....

two person yoga poses

00:21comm: lena fokina runs seminars teaching her extreme brand of baby yoga, on the beaches of dahab, egypt. 01:39:comm: dr. igor charkovsky is widely accredited as being the creator of baby yoga. he also promotes a number of otherholistic techniques including water re-birthing two person yoga poses, which sees young children repeatedly submergedin water. 01:55comm: when footage of lena's baby yoga was first posted online is caused outcry acrossthe world. so extreme were the moves she was using on very young children, some websitesbanned the videos, while other's declared it a hoax. 00:23comm: despite criticism that baby yoga can cause potentially fatal injuries to youngchildren, lena insists her techniques are safe. in future she hopes her teachings willbecome widely adopted by parents around the world.

two people yoga poses

hi everyone! thanks for joining me today on the runtastic fitness channel. i have a really specialguest here with me. this is my really good friend and gym buddy nelly and she's here withme today because we are going to do a really awesome workout for you guys that you can do with your friends too. you can do it with your friends, your family, with your significant other and nelly isactually the reason why we decided to this video. so, tell 'emwhy we decided to create this. well you posted it on your facebook fan page and i thought this could be great fun to doit together. so, you convinced me to come overhere and just try some exercises with you. yeah, iconvinced her but, yeah so she had asked me like "hey lunden we should do a partner workout, or you should do a partner exercise video." and i was like, "okay cool, who should be my partner?" so, since she is my real life gym partner, we work out together all thetime, she keeps me motivated and now we are go...

twisters yoga

- you smell nice. - you too. - yeah i know. (pop music) - hi my name is kramer cruz. twisters yoga, - hello my name is kara anthony. - we had been together for about a year, just over a year. and as the relationship got more serious obviously she wantedmore and more commitment. i just wasn't really ready to do that. - when i signed up for thisand decided to do this game, i thought, oh it'll be fine, we're still cool, we could work together. but actually the anxiety thathas come about doing this today is a little overwhelming,it's a little somber. - hey my name is quinn knox. - hi i'm leo valez. - we dated for i guess about six months. things got a little too comfortable and we just decided that it was best not to see each other anymore. - we were very mature about it, so we talked it out, andwe tried to make it work. but once the fire isgone, it's kind of hard to reignite it, and that's something that i think should come naturally. i hope to at least keep hi...